Teaser Tuesday
Teaser Tuesday hosted by Should Be Reading
- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two "teaser" sentences from that page
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS (make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away)
- Share the title and author so other participants in TT can add the book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!
Page 153, One Day by David NichollsWould it really be the worse thing to stay here, to have some warmth, affection, intimacy for a change? Or did she really want to be one of those girls she saw sometimes on the tube: hungover, pale and fretful in last night's party dress?
Oh she does not want to be one of those girls does she? My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2011/02/teaser-tuesdays-shadowfever.html
I've just bought this book and have yet to get around to reading it. I like the sound of the teaser though so some good motivation to start. Thanks!
My TT http://thethoughtsofabookjunky.blogspot.com/2011/01/author-spotlight-megan-mccafferty.html
This one does sound very tempting! Thanks for sharing....
Great teaser. Yeah I have to second Jennifer. Hope she doesn't want to be one of those girls. Thanks for sharing.
My Teaser is a little different.
Jessica @ Laugh Love Write
Great teaser! I'll have to check this book out.
I'm a new follower by the way. (:
Check out my teaser!
Wow! Haven't heard of this title yet. Thanks for sharing with us!
My Teaser Tuesday
Aaah nice teaser! I dig the cover too!!
Lah @ LazyGirl Reads
I have been drawn to this cover, but haven't picked it up yet, but now I might have to.
Somer @ A Bird's Eye Review
LOL I have to say she better pick the first choice.
Teaser Tuesday
Good teaser--makes me wonder what her other option is.
Here's the link to our teasers (and a giveaway) if you have a chance to stop by: http://shouldbereading.wordpress.com/2011/02/01/teaser-tuesdays-feb-1/
I already commented on the teaser, I just wanted you to know I gave you an award on this post.
Jessica @ Laugh Love Write
Nice teaser. Thanks for stopping by my teaser earlier today.
P.S. For those who haven't seen my mystery/thriller teaser yet, her's the link: http://jockstewart.typepad.com/writers_notebook/2011/02/teaser-tuesday-snare-by-deborah-j-ledford.html
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