Liar - Justine Larbalestier
Micah is a compulsive liar and has been her whole life convincing everyone from her parents, to teachers, and classmates. However, she vows to tell the truth, the whole and nothing but. Her change of heart is brought on by the brutal death of her friend and classmate, Zach. The question is, is she capable of telling the truth when she is so used to lying about everything? By the end of the book it is up to you to decide for yourselves what is truth and what is fiction. I had to read this book because the opinions I heard of it varied from absolute love to absolute hate. I had to see for myself and I fell somewhere in between. I wanted to like this book so much but I had a few issues. This book is divided up into three different parts, and each one she claims is truer than the last. I don't want to give anything away because when you reach part two there is a bomb the size of Hiroshima. What I can say is this book was extremely frustrating and infuriating. Micah is the type of character that I wanted to like but couldn't. Who likes a liar? Also, she is a teenager, and like most teens she always tries to make herself out to be innocent no matter what the situation. On top of everything, there are parts in which it feels like she laughs at the reader and makes us feel stupid, which was a turn off for me.
The good thing about this book is that anyone who reads it will come to different conclusions about what they think happened. I liked the way this book is written. There are multiple points in which I was genuinely surprised by what the narrator says. Once I finished the book, I did think about it after and it makes for good discussion -- if you can get through it. It was interesting but I know for sure that I do not plan on revisiting this one later. If you are interested in reading this one, I suggest getting it from the library.
3 ★s
If you want to read my full review with spoilers Click the link: Literally Sexy Books
1 comment:
I liked but not loved this one as well.
Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog
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